Thursday, February 20, 2014

BIG Bikes with Yu

Today Yu and I rented some BIG BIKES and had fun playing with the little snow we have up here in Tahoe. These things have no suspensions, are really heavy and I have to say, really fun to ride. Best for down-hill. Keeping things on track is a little more challenging at the beginning as the inertia is so BIG. We took the Historic Emigrant Trail. Traction on the back wheel is not a problem, it is sooo wide.
We only had fun till Yu got himself a pinch flat. BUMMER.
What a fun afternoon.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

chdk for Canon cameras

I started reading up on this CHDK, and is a real source of capabilities you can add to these little cameras.
This is the main page.
But it comes down to a few really simple steps and you are off and running.
1) check if your camera is among the many supported.
At the above address, check the RIGHT side section "Supported Cameras"
2) download the correct package
3) download the CardTricks Application (Windows only)
4) Use the CardTricks App to
    Format your card new
    Make it bootable
    copy over the chdk script set
5) remove the SD card and slide the lock switch on your card to "Locked"
6) Slide your SD card in your camera and turn it on.
You should see a different startup screed, this graphic should be visible for a few seconds!

7) when you press the "Print" button on your camera, you should see a new menu with many many options.
8) Ready to go!!