Monday, June 16, 2008

How much CO2 do we really emit with driving our cars

I was long questioning whether it matters to burn a gallon of Regular, mid or premium, Diesel or Kerosine.... How we burn it, which car burns it, and all that. Does it really matter?!
I just today read that it does not really matter. I read up on this page
and this is what it comes down to:
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the most important greenhouse gas. Emissions of CO2 are directly linked
to fuel consumption. Burning a kg of petrol, diesel, kerosene and the like in a car, van, lorry, aircraft
or ship leads to approximately 3.15 kg of CO2 emissions.
==> a good liter of gasoline (about 1.1l) when burnt will produce about 3kg of CO2. Whether it is burnt in a Hummer or in a Prius. A liter of Gas is a liter Gas, burnt is burnt, gone is gone.

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